Jay Swimm - Empty Bottle" - Featured Artist

Jay Swimm - Empty Bottle" - Featured Artist

staying up late can nearly ruin your life if you let it. My new track, "Empty Bottle," is about life's ups and downs. This song is for anyone who has stared at an empty bottle at dawn, wondering where it's all gone.

"Empty Bottle" started as an instrumental that I wrote with guitarist Phil Miles

I tracked the song alone, usually early in the morning. I tend to go for a walk before the light of day, and find inspiration in the quiet of the city

The track was completed for almost a year before I found the right vocal melody and lyrics. Sometimes waiting on a song to reveal itself is necessary, though frustrating. 

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgaTteIA_Co&ab_channel=JaySwinn

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jswinnstagram/

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jayswinnmusic

Writing and recording "Empty Bottle" was a breakthrough for me. The vibe is spontaneous, but the melody and lyrics took patience. And many morning walks.

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